Start by Getting to Know Our Two Teams!
As a new member of UMSATS, you have the opportunity to choose between two exciting teams: CubeSat or Rocketry. Both teams share similar structures and offer comparable experiences in work processes and industry skills.
However, the teams are not identical, and you may find that one aligns more with your interests than the other. We recommend exploring the dedicated pages for each team to gain a deeper understanding of the unique aspects of both the CubeSat and Rocketry teams!
First Contact
After learning more about our teams, you may have additional questions. We’re more than happy to help and offer a direct way for you to get in touch with someone who can assist you.
The quickest way to reach us is through our contact page, where you can submit any questions or comments. We monitor our email closely, so you can expect a response within a couple of days. If your questions are more specific to a particular subsystem, we’ll make sure they get directed to the subsystem’s team lead.

Let Us Know Where You Stand
After figuring out which team and subsystems you’d be most interested in, please fill out our online application form so we can get the onboarding process started. This application form will let us know more about your skills, and what sort of experience you are hoping to get out of joining UMSATS!
We will read through these applications to work out the best subsystems for you, and get back to you as soon as we can to continue the onboarding process.
Ready for Liftoff
Finally, you are ready to launch your UMSATS experience! We’ll first ask for the membership fees, which help us cover some general costs that we incur over the year. Then, we will get you access to email updates and the google drive for all previous and current projects the team is working on. The link will be provided over email, and after a few short questions, you will have a custom @umsats.ca email account. In addition, through our team’s Discord, you will be able to connect with team members, get to know the team, as well as find out your subsystem meeting times. Now, you are ready to work alongside like-minded people to develop your practical engineering skills and innovate technology in space.